Cabaret Mechanical Theatre

Cabaret Mechanical Theatre was originally founded in 1979 by Sue Jackson, who had the idea of exploring the contemporary world of automata. She invited a collection of local Cornish artists to manufacture automata for her craft shop, which proved to be a success and she soon moved the business to Covent Garden, London.

Now, they hold permanent and temporary interactive exhibitions worldwide as well as running a series of online workshops teaching engineering principles, motions, and mechanics through automata.

Automata are mechanical artworks that display their inner workings and intricate mechanisms at the push of a button or turn of a cog. They can be playful and educational for both children and adults.

Cabaret Mechanical Theatre’s online workshops are hands-on 6 week courses that explore mechanisms and low tech kinetic engineered art. The courses are aimed at makers, enthusiasts and educators of all ages and feature guest artists teaching all about automata and how to make kinetic sculptures.

The courses also introduce and make use of the Automata Tinkering Kit which we have been laser cutting for Cabaret Mechanical Theatre for several years now.

The kits are made up of over 70 individual parts of cranks, gears, pulleys and ratchets which we laser cut from 6mm and 3mm plywood.

For more information about the Cabaret Mechanical Theatre go to:

@CabaretMT  / @cabmech