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In modern manufacturing, CNC and laser cutting machines are sophisticated tools that offer endless possibilities and are capable of remarkable precision. However, to ensure that they operate at full potential and remain a reliable asset, regular maintenance and servicing is essential, benefitting both productivity and safety in the workplace.

At Capital Models we make sure we carry out an official annual inspection of all our machines. We look at regular servicing not just as a maintenance task but a strategic investment in the performance, longevity, and safety of our equipment.

We see it as unlocking the full potential of our machines, ensuring consistent results, preserving our investment, and maintaining a safe and productive workplace.

Consistent Results

With regular servicing a laser cutting machine will operate at its peak performance.

  • Regular cleaning of lenses and mirrors preserves the quality of the laser beam and prevents dust and debris from compromising performance.
  • Accurate alignment of the laser beam and calibrating the X-Y axis are also essential for precision cutting or engraving, preventing deviations in the cutting path, ensuring consistent quality.
  • Inspecting and replacing belts and bearings in the motion system ensures smooth movement of the arm.


Prioritising Safety in the Workplace

Safety should always be a top priority, especially when working with high-powered laser beams. Regular servicing plays a crucial role in maintaining safety standards and preventing potential hazards. From inspecting ventilation systems to ensuring proper alignment of the laser beam, each maintenance task contributes to creating a safe working environment for operators.

  • Regular inspection and cleaning of the cooling and exhaust system ensures efficient removal of fumes and debris, preventing any overheating issues and protecting components.
  • Checking and cleaning ventilation systems is of the utmost importance and contributes to cleaner air and safer working environments free from harmful particles and emissions.
  • By adhering to recommended servicing procedures, risks are mitigated and a culture of safety in the workplace is promoted.



Preserving Investment

Investing in these machines is a significant decision, so protecting that investment is paramount. Regular servicing in the long run will extend the lifespan of the equipment, minimising wear and tear.

We advise addressing potential issues proactively, which in turn will reduce the risk of unexpected breakdowns, helping to maintain workflow and avoid costly repairs.

Capital Models is LEV certified which gives us complete peace of mind, allowing us to look ahead at future projects with confidence.

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